15th - 20th Cent. Masters

Marc Chagall

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Odyssea II

Marc Chagall
FRAMED Dimensions:
32" x 37"
In pencil

The tackling of Homer’s Odyssey as an artistic subject required considerable time and effort, yet Chagall recreated, in meticulous fashion and insightful detail, his very own expression and artistic vision of Homer’s poem. In this work from Chagall’s Odyssea II, Chagall uses his signature light pastel color palette to portray the moment when Irus becomes enraged at Ulysses. This lithograph is fully documented in the official catalogue raisonné: Chagall Lithographs by Charles Sorlier 1974-1979. According to the catalogue raisonné, this lithograph was created in 1975 and printed at the famed Mourlot studio in Paris in the exceptionally small edition size of only thirty.


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