15th - 20th Cent. Masters

Gustave Doré

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Monte Blanc

Gustave Doré
circa 1860
FRAMED Dimensions:
24" x 20"
Oil on Board
In oil

This majestic work on board is a lovely rendering of the French Alps, in what is most certainly the most famous mountain top in all of France, Mont Blanc – a subject Gustave Doré chose several times for his most desirable landscapes.

Gustave Doré is in museum collections throughout the world including but not limited to; The National Gallery, The Metropolitan Museum, Musee d’Orsay, The Royal Collection, Harvard University Art Museum, National Gallery of Victoria, Fine Arts Museum San Francisco, and Museum of Fine Arts Boston, to name a few. Doré’s oil paintings have continued to bring the largest sums of money of all his mediums and major retailers around the world, including Sotheby’s and Christie's, continue to offer his works with great excitement. Dore’s paintings have shown great appreciation and have been documented to have sold for up to $600,000.


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